Flight Control Replay
How do we capture our cinematic takeoffs, landings and more shots? FlightControlReplay! Your must-have tool for content-creators!
Flight Control Replay Professional v4.5
Flying an airplane and recording cinematic views at the same time is super complicated. You want to concentrate on the butter-smooth landing but record some cinematic shots of the plane? Then FlightControlReplay by Fabio Merlo is your must-have tool!
- Compressed Video Render: MP4 smooth video 1 click away
- Flight Control Replay records your flights as a MP4 video directly with the video rendering that will be performed using FCR Frame-by-Frame technology
- No matter how many frames per second you achieved during the flight record, because the result is interpolated to guarantee a very smooth final video
- Useful for video makers in conjunction with PlayMode Simulation Rate
- Change Camera: Any sim camera available anytime
- Flight Control Replay let’s you select any simulator default camera available during your flight replay
- Cockpit / External & Showcase categories easy selectable via the sim menu during replay
- All these cameras can be selected at the exact frame of your choice by clicking on the timeline slider of FCR User Interface
- Re-Live Instant Replay: Rewind and play again
- Flight Control Replay is also a live recorder and player too. While flying in InstantReplay mode
- Watch your evolution during the last seconds and resume your flight whenever you want so
- Control the timeline slider to select the exact moment in the past when yout want to avoid an error so you can replay perfectly, or resume the flight at the end like nothing ever happend
- Play as AI: Simulate formation flying, your recorded flight played as AI
- Flight Control Replay uses your recorded flight as a customizable flight path applied to ghosts aircraft that can fly beside, above or behind you. Setup the offset distance and angle easily.
- Create up to 3 ghosts in one instance of FCR, or launch more instances of FCR for even more ghosts to replay beside your recorded flight.
- And many many more features!
Follow Fabio and his evolution of Flight Control Replay on Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flightonfly/
Flight Control Replay Professional Edition is the most complete software to record and play flight situation in :
- Microsoft Flight Simulator
- Prepar3D v5.X / v4.X / v3 / v2 / v1
- Microsoft FSX, FSX:SE, Microsoft ESP
- Microsoft Flight Simulator / P3D v5.X / P3D v4.X / P3D v3.X/P3D v2.X/ FSX / FSX SE
- All kind of Multicore CPUs
- Windows Vista 32 / Vista 64 / Win7 (32 bit / 64bit)
- Net Framework 3.5 SP1 (or higher)
- Net Framework 4.6 (or higher)
- Please see all prerequisites and limitations in Readme file