We are very proud to present you the Official Teaser for the professional software by FSReborn.
This add-on provides full control, configuration and management of AI traffic navigation lights under Prepard3D improving your simulator immersive experience and realism. The professional edition takes your AI Lighting effects to the next level by allowing you to choose what is the best setting and customisation that fits your simulation needs and desires.
All features from our the free edition plus:
- Adaptable graphic user interface. End users can choose from Basic, Advance or Expert Interface level and each interface type unlocks more levels of customisation for AI lighting effects ensuring our application fits all user types needs.
- Synchronised strobes for your AI models! No more random flashes between tail, left and right wings as it happens with the default P3D effects. Strobes now behave as they do in the real world.
- Different strobe patterns implementation depending of aircraft type and manufacture, this means Boeing aircraft will have single flashing strobes, Airbus double flashing strobes, General Aviation will have another pattern, etc.
- XENON strobe bulbs simulation with light filters at 5500K or 6500K, you can choose yourself.
- LED strobe bulbs simulation with light filters at 6500K as per real world operations, these simulate the new type of strobes bulbs being installed on new aircraft.
- Ability to set different types of strobes bulbs per aircraft in your simulator.
- Ability to select different navigation lights texture sets for your AI models with a simple click of a button.
- Ability to select different navigation lights texture sets for individual AI Models if desired.
- Ability to change effects sizes, dynamic lighting quantity / intensity, dynamic lighting size and colour intensity for your Beacons, Navigation Lights and Strobes via a simple graphic user interface.
- Ability to disable dynamic lighting for your navigation lights, beacons or strobes.
- Ability to change your taxi and landing lights effects sizes via a simple graphic user interface.
- Ability to preview all your lighting effects settings and preferences in real time inside your simulator by using our LPM (Live Preview Module).
- The Live Preview Module also allows to select which AI model you wish to be rendered inside P3D in order to see your effects settings being previewed. This means you can also use our add-on to inspect your current AI Fleet with a simple click of a button, no more waiting for your new installed AI Models to show at landing or take off, just install and test if it is installed correctly.
- Custom landing lights and taxi lights textures for your AI Models, finally you can see your AI Models landing with decent lights that looks much closer to real world operations. You can for example choose between cool LED landing lights or traditional warm landing lights sets.
- Multiple AI fleet analysis reports, these reports allow you to find issues and configurations problems with your current AI Models alongside with suggestion about what to do to in order to fix them.
- Custom light effects scaling techniques, this optional feature overrides the current P3D algorithms used to scale AI navigation lights. The result is a much more accurate lighting behaviour for AI navigation lights over close and long range distances. Our application also understands that not everyone screen resolutions and needs are the same, so it contains specific techniques for HD devices and 4K devices and you can choose the one that fits your needs better.
- Prepar3D V4.4 or Prepar3D v5 and above.
- Your system should be able to run Prepar3D V5 with minimum recommended settings indicated by Lockheed Martin.
- Your AI Fleet must be P3D / FSX SDK compliant, specifically it must comply with how lighting effects are installed inside of AI Models.You can check this with your current AI Fleet developer, however thanks to our dedicated BETA testers we can certify the solution works with the following AI packages :
- Just Flight Traffic 360
- UTL (all versions)
- Custom fleet well known freeware AI Models as FAIB, etc. which are all available via Alpha India Group
However if our freeware is currently working for you, then it is very likely the professional version will also work without any issues.
- Prepared3D V5 HF1 or above since Lockheed Martin improved considerable the system effects capabilities with this version.
- Dynamic lighting enabled, if you don’t the lights will still work but you will not see lighting effects illumination and reflections.
- Special effects details set to maximum.
- Special effects distance set to maximum.
- Recommend view zoom values from inside the cabin is 0.40 or higher.