[TRAILER] MK-Studios – Tenerife-South
We are proud to present you the Official Trailer for the newly released MK Studios Teneriffe South airport GCTS.
Especially the model of the terminal and the use of new ground poly technique makes this scenery outstanding. The developers had a great eye on the details and the surrounding area, the whole island is covered with mesh, autogen and custom objects.
Product information “Tenerife X Vol. 1 (P3D V4)”
Dark night, cloudy approach with little turbulence… Check your terrain radar and make sure it’s always on. Keep safe sector altitude, you’re flying around highest Spanish mountain Teide which is 3718 meters (12 198 feet) high! You’ve just made a safe landing to Tenerife South Airport located in the biggest of the Canary islands. The airport itself carry over 10 milons passangers per year with more than 58 thousand operations. It was build to replace Tenerife North airport which due to worse localisation its difficult to approach and to land due to fog. Now it’s time to experience all of this in V4! With newest technology used to develop this scenery we achieved stunning level of details keeping great performance and high FPS.
– Fully detailed rendition of Tenerife South airport and island,
– Many monuments and custom objects around the island,
– High resolution ground textures (2048×2048 pixels) optimized specially for P3D V4,
– Photo real terrain coverage of all island,
– Custom high resolution (5m) mesh,
– 3D night lightning,
– Very realistic night lighting, based on real pilot’s point of view,
– Dynamic Lightning (P3D V4),
– Realistic shadow rendition on all 3D objects and on the ground,
– Optimized to take advantages of new P3D V4 features,
– Compatible to all major traffic add-ons,
– SODE jetways supported,
– Simple VGDS docking system,
– Vector data addons comaptibility.
VOL. 1 of the scenery includes all the island with photoscenery and custom high definition mesh. However it comes without detailed GCXO North airport (only afcad + simple buildings in vol.1). Detailed North airport will be included in product vol. 2 to be released in 2018.